Tuesday, June 19, 2012


"My name is Matt Shea and I have been your 4th District State Representative since 2008. My editorials, radio news commentaries (aired five times daily), weekly radio show, bill sponsorship (www.leg.wa.gov/house/Representatives/Pages/BillSpo...=Shea) and 4-year voting record (votesmart.org/candidate/108310/matt-shea) clearly show my consistent constitutional conservative stand on the issues. My focus is on the right priorities: jobs, public safety, a first-class education for our children by funding education first in the budget process (www.tvw.org/index.php?option=com_tvwplayer&eve...10101), more affordable healthcare, well maintained roads, and a completed northsouth freeway now with existing funds from transit reserves thus eliminating the need to raise taxes. My record also shows I am a consistent staunch supporter of the 2/3rds majority requirment to raise taxes (www.VoteShea.com - see defending I-960 speech), traditional marriage, the sanctity of human life, private property rights, and gun ownership. Here is my take on the key social issues including marijuana on January 19th, 2012, with TVW's Inside Olympia (www.tvw.org/index.php?option=com_tvwplayer&eve...10101). Also, I was the co-sponsor (along with over 30 other legislators) of the bill to repeal authorization for the use of red light traffic cameras (apps.leg.wa.gov/billinfo/summary.aspx?bill=1823&am...=2011).

However, as stated above my primary focus is jobs. The foundation of a healthy economy depends on the success of our small businesses and reigning in government spending. That means limiting the ever encroaching arm of government bureaucrats and forcing government to live within its means, just like the rest of us. That is why I introduced HJR 4225 (apps.leg.wa.gov/billinfo/summary.aspx?bill=4225&am...=2011) a balanced budget amendment to the State Constitution that will end the practice of passing the buck to our children and granchildren. But that is only part of the solution, we must get government out of the way of small business and get Washington working again. Last year my idea for structured settlements broke the stalemate over major worker compensation reform (www.spokesman.com/blogs/spincontrol/2011/may/23/sh...-deal) helping the fund go from roughly $300 million in the hole to solvent (www.spokesman.com/blogs/spincontrol/2011/may/28/20...osers). Additionally, my bipartisan bill to help among other small businesses, dock manufacturers located in Spokane County, by incentivizing the use of composite, more environmentally friendly, materials passed the House 96-0 (apps.leg.wa.gov/billinfo/summary.aspx?bill=2417&am...=2011).

I would be honored to have your vote."


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